The Concerts for Bratislava 2023 program will include a recital by Bára Basiková with piano accompaniment by prof. Luboš Přibylu.

Bára Basiková has been interested in music since childhood. Already at the age of twelve (1975), she took part in the competition The whole family sings with the song Markétka. At the then LŠU, she attended classical singing lessons. After graduating from the Prague language elementary school, she graduated from the high school of economics. She started performing publicly in 1982 with the group Precedens, where she first held the position of choirmaster. Later, after the departure of Ján Sahara Hedl (1984), he became her dominant vocalist. In 1986, at the same time as Precedence, she also started performing with Michal Pavlíček's rock formation – Stromboli.

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